James Carzon

Doctoral student

Department of Statistics and Data Science

Carnegie Mellon University

I entered the statistics Ph.D. program at Carnegie Mellon University in 2021. I’m currently working on my Advanced Data Analysis project, an applied project as part of the program; the object is to quantify uncertainty in the solution to a non-linear, ill-posed inverse problem where the forward model is a climate simulation and the quantities whose inference is our interest are unknown physical parameters. My mentors are Mikael Kuusela (Statistics and Data Science) and Hamish Gordon (Chemical Engineering).

Me, several years ago, colorized.

About me

This is an example of a non-academic thing that I do.

About my website

On this site, I present my resum'{e}, broadly construed, including academic and recreational trivia. I also blog on various topics, academic ones beyond the above link and non-academic ones at https://nothalfgood.wordpress.com/.

This website behaves as an example of what a person can achieve from the comfort of RStudio, but I am still only incrementally improving my website. It is not rude to let me know if the site is not accessible or otherwise presents itself in an unsitely manner. [I assume that] you can borrow template content from my website for your own use by consulting my Github repo; I, in turn, followed the useful guidance on the Crump Lab’s website.

They told me to stop dealing threats to Uber drivers, but I don’t have any other use for the stop sign I nicked from my old primary school.

About my writing